Traveling with kids is not easy.  Not to mention, traveling internationally…

However, do we need to travel with kids?

Trips are definitely valuable experiences for children and beneficial for their learning and development!

In this post I will share the mistakes that we made in our recent flights with a toddler.

Also, I will add other parents’ experiences as they share them with me, when kids return to Kinder and school from holidays.

You can learn from other parents’ mistakes and

 make the most out of your next trip with your kids!


Planning a trip with kids can be daunting and stressful. It’s quite normal to forget things, when you have long packing lists and unpredictable events even before your trip starts. This post has no intention to judge parents. We’ve all been there and it’s good to learn from our mistakes.


#1 Planning the trip (before you book the tickets)

Mistake: Parents don’t estimate well flights duration, time between connecting flights and the time of departure and arrival based on kids’ routine in the country, where they live.

I believe it is widely known how important is routine for kids. And this is exactly why most of the children struggle during holidays. Therefore, parents should plan thoughtfully their flights and their trips based on kids’ routine. This does not mean that everything will go as planned, but it definitely helps and you have more chances to enjoy your trip. For instance, we booked a 13-hour flight and we would have to board on the plane around 9.30 pm. That meant that we had to push our little one’s sleep time gradually by 20 minutes every 3 days.


#2 Preparation and involvement of the kids

Mistake: Parents think that kids don’t need to make any decisions about the trip. Also, they forget to discuss and prepare them about any aspect of the trip.

Encourage children to be part of the conversation, when you plan the trip, the sightseeing you will do and you choose accommodation and transportation during your holidays. Of course, it depends on kids’ age, but, also, don’t forget to include the little ones. Printing a map could be an easy way to involve Kinder age children to your trip and the places you’ll visit.


#3 Clothing

Mistake: Parents don’t pack clothes for unexpected weather changes or PJs for sleep during flights and travels.

It is great if parents can write down a list of things they will pack for their holidays or have time to organise their suitcases before they leave the house. Planning carefully all the things that they will pack in carry on baggage as well as the checked baggage is important. of course check the weather during your holidays, but also consider any unexpected weather changes. Also, packing PJs during flights, socks, underwear and other essentials will make traveling easier.


#4 Food

Mistake: Parents don’t pack kids’ favourite snacks (not just for picky eaters).

Packing snacks for kids it is important as hunger can be a trigger for tantrums. At the same time, favourite snacks can distract kids. For example, if there are long queues for the passport check or security and screening at an airport, it is a great time to have a snack. Traveling overseas also means that kids will need to try new food and they are not always willing to do so from day 1.


#5 Travel activities & entertainment

Mistake: Parents focus on packing clothing and other accessories and they forget to pack activities for their children.

We know that nowadays most parents rely on screens for entertainment when they are out and about. However,  young kids might get tired of them during a long trip and I’m sure that you want to avoid tantrums over screens. Here you will find our article packed with the best ideas for travel toys for children of all ages. These are our tried-and-tested toys for traveling with kids or even going out at a restaurant or a café.

#6 Sleep

Mistake: Parents believe that children will adjust easily to changes in sleep routine. (Yes, it can happen, but what if this is not the case??)

You know that kids sleep is precious, as kids can get cranky when they are away from their routines. Therefore, you need to do your best for them to get the most sleep possible during flights and holidays. Packing sleep associated things in carry-on and checked baggage is critical! Also, children don’t like changes. Considering that trips are all about change, you need to consider carefully all the sleep-related items you will take with you.


#7 Comfort

Mistake: Parents don’t get travel accessories with them for comfort.

Some people can not travel without their travel foot rest or a travel pillow. Shouldn’t we think of the accessories that will help our kids to be comfortable during our trip and our holidays? Talking of comfort and discomfort, we all need to consider beforehand how we will avoid ear pain during climbing after takeoff or descending for landing. Chewing gums are perfect for older family members. Dummies (pacifiers), drinking milk or another drink and breastfeeding are encouraged for young kids during this time in order to avoid airplane ear. Read here 9 must-have travel accessories for kids!


#8 Transportation

Mistake: Parents choose to do round trips, cruises or traveling with buses and public transport, while they are on holidays with young kids.

Organising a cruise for a day or a short public transport trip could be okay. However, nothing compares with driving a car or at least hiring your own driver -if possible-, when you travel with kids. I know, it’s not the cheapest option, however you might regret it if you save money on commuting. Having your own schedule gives the comfort and flexibility, you need when you travel with young kids.


#9 Accommodation

Mistake: Parents of  babies, toddlers or young children forget to check potential hazards around houses and their temporary accommodation.

I wouldn’t worry much, if I would book a room at a kids’ friendly hotel. However, it is different story if you book a house or an apartment, for instance, through Airbnb. Of course, you can avoid booking a two storey house with stairs, if you have other options. Nevertheless, when you arrive, you definitely need to do a quick inspection of the place you will stay and check all the potential hazards. For example, you can remove objects that break easily from low shelves and check where chemicals are kept. Also, you can move furniture around, if needed, to make the place safer for your little ones. Childproofing hacks could help you avoid accidents and enjoy more your holidays.  Packing rubber bands, tapes and plug covers in your suitcase will make a big difference for you to relax at your holiday house.


#10 Health and safety first

Mistake: Parents forget to take first aid supplies with them.

You can get a First Aid kit just for your holidays and add it in your suitcase. An alternative option is for you to choose the products you want to add in your own kit. For example, a few band-aids, a wound cleansing spray and paracetamol for kids could be just enough, if you know that you can easily access pharmaceutical products during your holidays.


#11 Plans & expectations

Mistake: New parents or parents, who haven’t traveled before internationally with their kids, have high expectations. They believe that traveling will be the same like when they were traveling without kids.

Last but not least, parents need to remind themselves to adjust their expectations before they travel with their kids. This is the biggest secret in happy international trips with kids. At the same time, it’s great if you have plans on what you want to do, however be flexible! No need to stick with them, if no one will have fun.


Don’t forget to check the best travel toys for kids!


This post was all about parents’ mistakes, when traveling internationally with kids, and what you can do better in your next trip!

I would greatly appreciate if you’d share this post with parents, who plan to travel soon, if you found it helpful.

Aaaaand have fun!!


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